Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Thank you for remembering the following things to help ensure a safe and efficient process when dropping off or picking up your child from school during arrival and dismissal times.
Our school day is 9:05 a.m. to 3:35 p.m.
Form a line that begins in the drop-off/pick-up zone at the side door of the parking lot.
If you are the first car in line, please pull up to the sign past the school doors so that 4-5 cars may load/unload at a time.
Please remain in your vehicle at all times.
Please have your child practice entering/exiting your vehicle if needed so they can do this independently.
Students will enter and exit cars from the sidewalk and should not walk around a vehicle into the parking lot.
Car Riders
Bus Riders
Walkers and Daycare Van Riders
Those who are eating breakfast will be admitted at 8:40 a.m.
All others will be admitted at 8:50 a.m.
There is no supervision before this, so walkers should not arrive before 8:50 a.m.
Everyday Car Riders
Dismissal begins at 3:35 p.m.
All families who pick up their child(ren) daily will receive 2 rear view mirror tags and 1 book bag tag per child with the same number.
Hang the car tag on your rearview mirror when picking up your child. The book bag tag should be securely attached to your child(ren)’s bookbag.
Parents will stay in vehicles and form a line beginning in the drop-off/pick-up zone at the side door by the parking lot.
Students will be released from the side door to get into their cars. Staff members will check for car tags and matching numbers on the backpack tags.
If your child is normally a car rider and someone who does not have a car tag is picking up your child, that person must come to the main office with ID to sign out your child. That person must be on the pickup list and you must call the office to confirm those plans so that we know who to expect to sign out your child.
Bus Riders and Daycare Van Riders