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Ms. Swinsburg's Schedule

Rotating Between Echo Hills and Fishcreek Elementary Schools, Rotating on Encore Rotation Schedule


Daily Schedule:

8:15 to 8:45am, Office Time

8:45 to 9:25am, Duties, Class Supervision

10:10 to 10:55am, Grade 2 Counseling Class

10:55 to 11:40am, Grade 4 Counseling Class

1:10 to 1:55pm, Grade 1 Counseling Class

1:55 to 2:40pm, Grade K Counseling Class

2:40 to 3:30pm, Grade 3 Counseling Class

3:30 to 3:45pm, Dismissal Assistance

*Individual and group counsling, as well as time for responsive services, parent and teacher communication, and other indirect serivces are implemented on "off" rotation schedule days.



Summary of American School Counselor Best Practice Roles